



我是来自Reedy的卡罗琳‧格林利夫, 西维吉尼亚州, 我住在一个农场,养着红黑相间的安格斯牛, 切维厄特羊, 和山羊. 整个高中, I competed in state and national competitions and went on to receive my American Degree in 2021 with my sheep supervised agriculture experience project. I showed market lambs at our local Black Walnut Festival and had a Ham Bacon project. I am currently a senior at 西维吉尼亚州 University and will graduate in spring 2024 with a Bachelor of Science Degree, 毕业于戴维斯学院环境能源管理专业. I began my internship at Allnex in Pleasants County this spring as the Safety, 健康, 环境经理实习生. FFA taught me how to be a better leader and speak in public and prepared me for my future career. 在我高中毕业之后, I knew I still had something to give back to the FFA for everything it had given me. I decided to run for state office and just retired as the 2022-23 西维吉尼亚州 State FFA President.

我于2022年7月当选为西弗吉尼亚州FFA州官员团队成员. 三天后, I spent a week with my new teammates learning what a leader is and our expectations for the next year. 体育彩票外围平台也了解了体育彩票外围平台的长处和短处,以及如何成为一个团队. 第二天, 体育彩票外围平台被派往华盛顿, DC, where we spent a week with other state officer teams from across the United States. We talked to our senators Shelley Moore Capito and Joe Manchin about the FFA, 农业法案, 以及体育彩票外围平台作为州政府官员今年计划做的事情. 这是一次奇妙的经历,也是我今年最喜欢的经历. We toured monuments in DC and had a wonderful time sitting in National Officer workshops learning how to be a good role model.

在11月, I had the opportunity to sit on a Delegate committee at the National Convention and vote on new suggestions and ideas for the National FFA. I spoke with representatives from Bayer and John Deere about future career opportunities for the FFA. Attending National FFA Convention as a state officer was extremely exciting. I enjoyed finding 西维吉尼亚州 members and supporting them at competitions.

2023年1月, I was one of the seventy-five state officers selected to travel to Costa Rica for the International Learning Seminar for State Officers for two weeks. Costa Rica is the size of 西维吉尼亚州, and we traveled every two days to a new resort. We visited a Wagyu Red Angus beef farm, rescue zoos, dairy farms, schools, and museums. 代表国家和我的家乡是一种荣誉.

I have always had an interest in taking photos; this year helped me capture the moments for the members and myself. 拍摄学生们做他们喜欢的事情的动作照片是有意义的. Sharing these photos helped ensure the state saw that the youth of the future was succeeding in a respectful organization.

在立法委员日, 众议院议长, 罗杰Hanshaw, let me take his place as the speaker to recognize the delegates for the chapters to be announced. 这是一种荣誉,我永远感激布朗先生. 在他的州办公室工作一年后,他支持西弗吉尼亚州FFA. 他付出的所有时间都是FFA真正的榜样.

一月份,雪松湖举办了州火腿、培根和鸡蛋义卖. 来自全国各地的会员来参加一年一度的拍卖会. 这次销售收入超过72美元,000 from our various supporters for the members to put towards their State and American degrees.

在秋季领导会议期间, the members had the opportunity to make blankets that we donated to the Ruby Memorial Children’s Hospital. 12月共向该医院运送了172条毯子, 正好赶上孩子们在圣诞节尽情享受.

登山者食物银行项目也取得了惊人的成功. At the state convention this July, the members packed food to be distributed across the state. 成员们还购买和组装卫生袋. The members and our supporters have raised over $35,000 to utilize for this project.

我的队友们是这个州了不起的榜样. 中央副总裁凯蒂·安德森, 他是西弗吉尼亚大学动物营养学专业的学生, 也是格伦维尔州立大学的护理专业学生, 麦肯齐白, State Secretary both placed second in the nation on their parliamentary team. 同时在西弗吉尼亚大学主修动物营养学, 凯特琳·德塔莫尔在全国土地评判比赛中获得第一名. 科迪米切尔, 从彼得堡毕业于波托马克州立大学农业商业专业, WV, 勤奋地与他的学校和成员保持联系, 在这一年中,哪些是具有挑战性的. Cody has always stayed true to his faith and works to keep the team bonded. 卡门Fogus, 他在波托马克州立大学主修农业教育, always shows up for the members with a smile and expresses the importance of building a relationship between advisors and students. 凯蒂·卡明斯, 也是农业教育专业, lived in Kansas during her year as a state officer and balanced the demands of college with the responsibilities of her office. 古斯塔夫森说布朗, 你见过的最可爱的人, has also been such a light on our team with her cheerful outlook and bright smile. 赖利也是农业教育专业的学生. 加勒特 Ammons has traveled to multiple states visiting other state conventions, 向会员展示FFA的机会. 加勒特, 谁也是农业教育专业的, was also a Speak Ag pioneer and learned to advocate for agriculture at the national level. 我非常感谢我的队友和他们不同的成就, 乐于助人, 还有今年的善良. 多元化的团队让我坚持了下来, 以及其他了解体育彩票外围平台州所提供的各种机会的人.

I would like to thank Shelley Moore Capito for her support; Rodger Handsaw for being a great help to the FFA; Commissioner of Agriculture Kent Leonhart for supporting and inspiring the FFA; and the 西维吉尼亚州 Department of Agriculture. I am grateful to my family for encouraging me to educate myself and do as much as I can. 我的队友给了我无尽的支持. I am thankful to State FFA Advisor Kari Brown and Executive Secretary Danielle Grant for being diligent in their work, 随时帮助体育彩票外围平台的团队, 成为全州所有人的榜样, 照顾好体育彩票外围平台州的组织. I appreciate the members and the advisors of 西维吉尼亚州 for being outstanding in their work and putting in the effort to make FFA what it is today.

I would also like to thank Cedar Lakes and all their support for a place the FFA members can call home.

在这一年里, 我去了另一个国家, thousands of miles and have met thousands of people while being a state officer. The members have made this a successful year by being active participants, 代表国家和民族. 今年对我来说是收获颇丰的一年, and I am forever thankful and blessed for this opportunity of serving as a state officer.



